
To ensure continuous and holistic development of the institution and to assure stakeholders connected with higher education, the accountability of the institution for its own quality and probity.

Goals & Objectives

  • To develop quality benchmarks for various academic and administrative activities of the Institution.
  • To disseminate information on quality aspects.
  • To organize discussions, workshops, seminars and promote quality circles.
  • To record and monitor quality measures of the institution.
  • To act as a nodal agency of the institution for quality related activities.
  • To prepare Annual Quality Assurance Report and other reports as may be decided from time to time.
  • To co-ordinate with NAAC authorities.


Striving to address the need of quality and commitment to excellence at PRIST


  • Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various academic and administrative activities.
  • Facilitating the creation of a learner centric environment conducive for quality education.
  • Arrangement for feedback responses from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality related institutional processes.
  • Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education.
  • Organization of inter and intra institution workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.

Dr. T.V. Christy

Vice Chancellor


Dr. Smitha Elsa Peter

Director - IQAC

Professor / ECE

Dr. S. Udayakumar

Pro Vice-Chancellor

Senior Administrative Members

Dr. S. Nithyanandam

Special Officer

Senior Administrative Members

Dr. M. Abdul Ghani Khan


Senior Administrative Members

Dr. Sohna Chandara Packiyavathy

Controller of Examination

Senior Administrative Members

Dr. N. Ethirajalu

Member from the Executive Council

Dr. L. Chinnappa

(Professor & Dean – School of Arts & Science)

Senior Faculty Members

Dr. A. Ashutos Das

Professor& Director – RDC

Senior Faculty Members

Prof. S. Lillypet

Professor & Dean – School of Engg. & Tech.

Senior Faculty Members

Prof. S. Amaresan

Assoc. Professor & HoD / Computer Science

Senior Faculty Members

Prof. R. Tamizhselvan

Assoc. Professor & HoD / Mechanical Engineering

Senior Faculty Members

Dr. A. Usha

Dean – Student Affairs

Senior Faculty Members

Dr. S. Ambiga

Dean – Academic Affairs

Senior Faculty Members

Prof. K. Swaminathan

Asst. Professor / Physics

Senior Faculty Members

Prof. K. Sathya

Asst. Prof / Commerce

Senior Faculty Members

Dr. Veeramani

Asst. Prof. /BioT echnology

Senior Faculty Members

Ms. Nilavu

Student Representative - PhD

Nominees from Local Society, Alumni & Student

Dr. C. Rajinikanth

Alumni Representative

Nominees from Local Society, Alumni & Student

Dr. S.Mohan Raj

MD, AlgalRNutrapharms

Nominees from Industry, Employer & Parent

Dr. Er. R. Sivasankar

Green Building Consultant Chief Consultant Sivasankar and Associates Thanjavur

Nominees from Industry, Employer & Parent

Mr. K. Maganathan

Parent Representative (F/o Mr. M. Raja Ramalingeshwaran, BTech (FT) - IV ECE)

Nominees from Industry, Employer & Parent

India has the second largest educational system in the world. A focus on quality, access and relevance of higher education to achieve the required social transformation for sustainable economic development of the country has been the national priority. Qualitative improvement in higher education, to realize the desired dimensions of human resource development necessitated the establishment of the premier Quality Assurance Agency – NAAC – by the UGC, in 1994, to assess and accredit the country’s HEIs. Quality assurance is not an event, rather it is a continuous process and a relentless pursuit to achieve academic excellence. It is an ongoing, dynamic and life-long endeavor of any institution. As the primary goal of institutional accreditation by NAAC is to provide the information needed to improve the experience of the ‘learning communities’, it is envisaged that NAAC plays a larger role in internalizing and institutionalizing quality assurance. Towards achieving this goal, while the participation of all stakeholders is essential, the involvement of student participation in the institutional quality enhancement processes is crucial and invaluable, because of the following:

  • Students are the largest group within any HEI, and therefore are the main stakeholders who have a much stronger voice than any other stakeholders.
  • Students are quite well informed, committed, participative, motivated and curious, and this provides for valuable contributions.
  • The several dimensions of student participation often surpass the four walls of the institution and other academic frontiers, following the trend that induces or obliges the institutions to open up to the society.
  • Of late, world over, there is a wide and positive attitude towards increased student influence in higher education governance including the role of student activism in social changes.

Constitution of the IQAC – Students Chapter

The IQAC – Students Chapter may have one meritorious student both at UG & PG/Research level from each department as members. The Prime Minister of the Students Cabinet may be the Coordinator of the IQAC – Students Chapter. The IQAC Students Chapter may meet atleast two times in a semester and copies of Minutes of the Meeting may be forwarded to both IQAC Coordinator and the Vice Chancellor for taking follow up action.

Students could therefore be the driving force behind ambitious and far reaching Higher Education reforms. Recognizing the significance of students not only as the main stakeholders in education, but also as central to the entire process of educational experience that an institution can provide, the University has initiated the establishment of the “IQAC – STUDENTS CHAPTER” with an aim to involve students in the quality assurance, quality sustenance and quality enhancement processes of the University.

Students involvement in the quality assurance, quality sustenance and quality enhancement processes may be realized by adopting the following strategies:

  • Students understanding of the concept of ‘Quality’.
  • Students perception of the need for quality in an educational institution.
  • Students responses regarding their concerns for augmenting quality in educational institutions.
  • Students understanding of feedback mechanisms.
  • Students’ perceptions of their involvement in institutional feedback systems.
  • Students’ concerns about institutional feedback systems.
  • Students awareness of the NAAC’s assessment and accreditation processes.
  • Students views about their involvement in the A/A of their institution.
  • Students concerns about institutional A/A by NAAC.

2016 - 2017

2017 - 2018

2018 - 2019

2019 - 2020

2020 - 2021

2021 - 2022

2022 - 2023