GSCASH is the University’s instrument for addressing issues/grievances/cases of sexual harassment and recommending their redressal. This is in keeping with Article 21 of the Constitution of India which assures every individual the right to live with human dignity, free from exploitation. The State, therefore, is under a constitutional obligation to see that there is no violation of the fundamental right of any person. It is in this spirit that the policy of PRIST University is formulated to prevent sexual harassment of women on the campus. The policy extends to all students, faculty, staff, officers, residents and visitors of the University. The Committee will take cognizance of all forms of sexual harassment towards women and will promote gender sensitization.

Functions of GSCASH

CASH has two major functions: Preventive and Remedial Preventive.

  • To work towards creating an atmosphere promoting equality, non discrimination and gender sensitivity.
  • To promote and facilitate measures to create a work and study environment that is free of sexual harassment.
  • To receive and take cognizance of complaints made about sexual harassment at the university and give every complaint serious consideration.
  • Crisis Management, Mediation and Counselling.
  • To conduct enquiries into the complaints, place findings and recommendations regarding penalties against the harasser in accordance with the rules and procedures laid down by the GSCASH, before the University Administration.

Composition of GSCASH

The GSCASH shall have ten members.The composition of the members listed below.

  • A presiding officer who shall be a woman employed at a senior level at the workplace from amongst the employees.
  • Four faculty members (two men and two woman) with a representation of different schools within PRIST preferably with experience in social work, legal knowledge and who are committed to the cause of the women.
  • Representation from non-teaching staff.
  • One outside expert from an NGO.
  • Student Representatives.